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Social Media - How to have it and remain safe

Hi all, Today we thought we would have a think about Social Media. It is the one constant in all of our lives that, actually has not changed at all. If anything, it is something that we and more specifically our children are relying on for maintaining healthy relationships. This is no different to the world they inhabited prior to the Virus but it now offers them the lifeline that they need to help maintain family links and friendships, to enjoy as normal a social life as possible during these uncertain times. It can also offer the opportunity to ensure that we, as parents and carers are able to take some time for ourselves. This is, therefore, a good time to just remind ourselves of a few key points to ensure that we all remain safe online.

Along with all the positives, and there are many, it is essential that we are aware of some of the dangers: 1. Fake News: we are all too aware, as adults, that our social media feeds are swamped with fake and often, hysterical news and information about the virus. As parents, we should provide opportunities to engage in open and honest discussions about Covid-19 and what our children are seeing and how this is making them feel. One approach could be to have a time every day to have a discussion and talk about the latest developments. Reinforce the idea that we should not always believe everything we see or read. 2. Make sure that you check in on their technology use – This has NEVER been more important. Find out what they are doing online, who are they talking to, how their online learning is going (specifically for older children/teens) and what new tools and apps they may have discovered or have been using. Again, this is best done by having a time in your day to discuss social media as a family so that your children can see that this is affecting you as well and may feel happier to share if they don’t feel they are being questioned. As we all know, Social Media can offer an open possibility of communicating with strangers and we need to keep reminding our children about the associated dangers and being aware of people they may not know. As always it is up to us to make sure that we are looking at age appropriate advice and apply what is appropriate to our own children. However, as long as we are keeping safe and following the guidelines we can embrace the benefits of social media, seek out opportunities to use it for good such as sharing positive messages, building friendships, enjoying music, theatre, comedy, the list goes on and on. As parents and carers, there are so many opportunities we can offer to ensure that the experience is both safe and fun! Our relationship with social media, particularly as it relates to our children and their safety, has always posed difficulties. These are strange and unique times and we need to be mindful to adapt our own preconceptions of social media. We may need to relax our restrictions in order to minimise lockdown tensions within our homes. Being able to have open and honest discussions as a family will help to alleviate our own concerns and make sure that our children understand that we want them to be safe! Below are 2 fabulous websites offering practical advice to enjoy social media and remain safe: Keep well and safe. Love Lisa and Catherine Co Founders at

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