7+ Tutoring
Due to the increasing pressure on places at for 11+ entrance, we are seeing an increasing number of families choosing to approach selective schools at 7+. Following a robust academic assessment, we will prepare your child for a written exam, primarily maths and English based as well as working on the creative skills needed to approach areas such as story writing. Many schools are starting to introduce verbal and non-verbal reasoning style questions which we practise regularly in the run up to tests. Another aspect of the 7+ is the all important interview. We will provide opportunities for your child to work one to one as well as within a small group. We are always aware that these are very young children and entrance exams require a level of resilience and maturity which we focus on throughout. We teach fun and interactive mindfulness strategies to help children approach these exams with confidence and security.
“Thanks for all your support- not just tutoring Jake – but all your sound advice and expertise in helping us through the process.” Lara 2021
“I can’t thank you enough for helping us through the 7 plus process. Not only did my son receive expert tuition, but you supported us from beginning to end- helping us select schools, know what the exams required and advising us which school would best suit our son. Thank you so much. “ Mike 2022