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Kindness Matters

Hi all,

‘Kindness Matters’ is the theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week and it feels very timely.

These last few weeks have highlighted kindness during crisis with so many wonderful support systems being rushed into place to help so many different communities and individuals.

Kindness is so deeply rooted to our mental health and for so many of us, whether we are on the receiving or giving end, have found that it has helped cement our sense of belonging even in the midst of isolation. The Mental Health Foundation has conducted a new study into kindness and it found that almost two thirds of us say that, when people are kind to them, it has a positive effect on their mental health and a further two thirds said that being kind to others had an equally positive effect. Furthermore, scientific studies into the effects of kindness show that acts of kindness help your immune system, reduce stress, gives you energy and are good for your heart!

It is also essential to remember yourself. The same studies have found that forty eight percent of people surveyed said that being ‘kind to myself’ had a positive impact as well. Only if we are kind to ourselves, can we be kind to others.

Take this time to instil kindness within your family. For many of us rainbows have become a symbol of the pandemic so perhaps encourage your children to create their own picture showing what kindness means to them – maybe stick it on your window for passers-by to enjoy. A lovely activity to do with your children is to each write down 7 ‘kind’ acts that you can each do – simple acts like phoning family members who may be isolating or alone, helping with some chores in the house, thinking about the way we respond to one another – always thinking about being ‘kind’. Our friends at The Speakers Collective have come up with a few really simple but effective ideas which can be done by any and all ages – here are a few:

Tell someone your favourite thing about them

Do something to make someone laugh

Listen to a song that makes you want to dance

Take 10 minutes to do something which makes you feel calm

This week we will also see so many wonderful and inspirational people writing on this subject from The Young Royals, Team GB, Ruby Wax and our good friend Jonny Benjamin.

Hope you all have a ‘kind’ week – next week is officially half term and we hope that you will all close your home schools for the week and try to enjoy some other activities (lots of links in our previous blogs to keep you all busy). After half term, we will be offering options for our various Summer programmes so don’t forget to keep an eye on our Facebook page and website for further details.

Below is a lovely link to BBC Newsround talking about kindness but there are also so many other lovely resources out there for you to look at with your families.

Keep well and safe and remember to practise being kind, gentle and compassionate to yourself and each other!


Lisa and Catherine

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